Annual Membership

There are many ways to support our preservation efforts. Find the one that fits you best, and please join us to help preserve Atlanta!

Membership Levels

Individual ~ $40

Dual / Family ~ $75

Contributor ~ $150

Benefactor ~ $250

Founder ~ $500

Patron ~ $1000

All Memberships Include
Discounted Admission to all APC Tours
Monthly E-Newsletter
Bi-Annual Printed Newsletter

The Atlanta Preservation Center is a 
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Please Note: Network for Good is Our Payment Processor

We also Offer Gift Membership Packages and Other Ways to Donate

Please call 404-688-3353 if you would like to hear about alternative payment options.


For each person who has fought tooth and nail to keep historic preservation in their actions and hearts. . . without you, what would we have to believe in?